Village Hall Meeting
Village Notice
The Mottram St. Andrew Village Hall adds immeasurably to the quality of life in Mottram St. Andrew. This important local facility is managed by a committee of trustees of the Mottram St. Andrew Village Hall charity under a governing document dated 1948. The trustees have been considering updating its governance and becoming a charity with corporate status, as allowed for by the Charities Act 2011.
As the facilities are provided for public benefit the trustees feel it is important that people understand what is planned, which is to change the charity’s structure from an unincorporated association to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) as approved by the Charity Commission. The constitution would be similar, with some trustees being elected at the AGM and some nominated by user groups as now happens.
The trustees hope this will make it easier to recruit new trustees, as incorporation provides limited liability for trustees.
Notices will appear on Village Notice Boards and the Village website over the next few weeks as required by the Charities Act giving a month for local people to make any representations to the trustees. A public meeting will be held on Friday , 19th August 2022 in the Village Hall at 7.00 pm in accordance with the current constitution in order to approve the transfer. If you wish to make any representations without attending the public meeting please send them to Steve Hatton at or to The Poplars, Priest Lane MSA by the 31st August 2022
The trustees are being assisted by the charity Cheshire Community Action, which provides an advisory service for village and community halls in Cheshire and is part of the ACRE Network.
For further information please contact Steve Hatton, Chairman of Trustees , using the contact details mentioned above .
Steve Hatton, Chairman