Money saving tips
Our former Parish Council Chairman, Bill Pilkington, has this week brought to my attention a couple of things I’d like to share with all of our residents.
Firstly, if you rely on oil or LPG to heat your home, visit the Gov.UK website to apply for a £200 ‘alternative fuel’ payment. The site provides a phone number – 0808 175 3287 – you will be required to provide evidence of the type of fuel you use, but a payment should be with you within six weeks.
Secondly, with a massive jump in postage stamp prices coming in on April 3rd, buying now (maybe for Christmas cards, dare I say) will save you a lot of money in the future.
Finally, please remember that anybody who is struggling financially can apply for a one-off grant from Mottram St Andrew United Charities by contacting me in complete confidence via email at
Thank you, and have a good weekend.