PC Chairman’s report – February 23rd 2021

Dear Mottram St Andrew residents,

On Monday the Prime Minister set out his road map for the final stage of our long and painful COVID-19 journey. The vaccine rollout has ensured that the light at the end of a very dark tunnel, is now in our sights.

Some of you may have endured great suffering and/or hardship in the last twelve months, for losing family or friends, a job or simply freedom, has been incredibly hard. And yet, as we transition from winter into spring, and snowdrops and daffodils emerge from the soil once more, optimism takes over our emotions.

Since January last year, all Parish Council meetings have been held on Zoom. So, too, have all meetings with Cheshire East Council and the Cheshire Association of Local Councils (ChALC). Who, by now, has not heard of ChALC’s Jackie Weaver? Unknown previously outside Cheshire, there can be few people in the whole country who have not seen or read about her bruising encounter with some of Handforth’s Parish Councillors. Jackie acquitted herself very well – fortunately, MStA PC meetings are usually far more sedate and civilised affairs!

Whilst Zoom has been a lifesaver in many ways, it is no substitute for human contact. We look forward with enthusiasm to the next time we can meet in person.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Zoom at 6.30pm on Monday March 15th. One of the agenda items concerns a proposal by Cheshire East to merge certain parishes across the county. In our case, the recommendation is that we are merged with Over Alderley. This would mean a reduction in the number of councillors and the need for only one Clerk and is bound to provoke a healthy debate as to the pros and cons of such a move. If you have a view on the subject, you are most welcome to attend the meeting on Zoom (login details will appear on notice boards and on www.mottramstandrewpc.org.uk the week before) or you may email your comments to me at the email address below.

In the meantime, I hope you are all getting your vaccinations and that you are maintaining good health, both physical and mental.

Best wishes


Robert Hughes


Mottram St Andrew Parish Council

Email: cllr.hughes@mottramstandrewpc.org.uk